Thursday, July 11, 2013

Tour and Breakfast on the Farm.

While shopping at a farmers market over the weekend, I noticed a poster at one of the tables that said "Breakfast on the Farm".  I talked to the farmer about it and she offered me free tickets to the event.   As it turns out, the breakfast on the farm event is a Michigan State University Extension.   Families get a tour of the farm, learn about milking cows, get to pet a calf, see the farm equipment, take wagon ride, learn where food comes from, eat ice cream and also eat a farm fresh breakfast.  I'm really excited to take my kids to this event.   It should be a really fun learning experience for our whole family.  Breakfast on the Farm is hosted at various farms in Michigan.    If you live too far to take advantage of one of these great events, you could do a search or ask around at farmers markets in your area to see if something similar is offered near you.  I love finding new, fun, educational activities for my family.  Breakfast on the Farm.

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Getting Ready for Fourth of July! Baking Day with the Kids!

My kids and I have been busy in the kitchen today.  I let them create some fun designs in our cupcakes before baking.  They had so much fun with this and the cupcake batter turned out really cute.  I almost hate to decorate them and cover up their creativity.  I'm sure they will have fun with the frosting part too though. 

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Fourth of July Treats!

My sister's birthday is on July 4th and every year we have a family get together for a combined holiday / birthday celebration.  My girls and I are making cupcakes.  I was thinking of doing either red, white and blue cupcakes or a flag cake.   I did some searching and found the best of both worlds, a cupcake flag cake!  So easy and cute!   Cupcake Flag Cake.  

Another cute and easy idea that would be fun for little kitchen helpers is Red, White and Blue Strawberries.  Instead of using white chocolate, you could substitute yogurt instead.  Of course, the yogurt would not harden and you would need to keep it cold.

When I was growing up, my grandma used to make a fun flag cake each Fourth of July.  It was so easy and cute.   She made a white cake, frosted it with whipped cream and then used blueberries and strawberries to make it look like the USA flag.    I was always so impressed with that cake as a child :)  It looked a lot like this flag cake.

My kids and I went sweet cherry picking a couple of days ago and we are also making sweet cherry muffins today.  We'll eat them for breakfast Fourth of July morning.  I'm going to try this cherry muffin recipe.  We're not going to add blueberries this time but I was just thinking you could make them more festive by adding blueberries too.

For those of you celebrating America's birthday, have a fun and safe Independence Day! 

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