Tuesday, August 28, 2012

End of Summer and another new pet!

I hope everyone had a wonderful summer.  We still have about a week left before a new routine is underway.   School will start here on September 4th.  We had a wonderful summer filled with many fun adventures and activities.    It's always hard to get back into a routine after so many fun filled days and no alarm clocks.  A couple highlights were a visit to a theme park and a week of vacation at our favorite cottage in northern Michigan .   After a lot of pressure, I finally opened the box of our cotton candy maker this summer and made cotton candy for my kids and neighborhood friends.  It was a pretty big deal.   My twins were given the machine back in February as a birthday gift and I figured, if I'm not going to let them do it during the summer...when will I ever do it?  It was a little messy but great fun for the kids.   Our most exciting news is that we brought home a new furry family member about a week ago.  A Rex bunny that my girls named Peppermint Twist.  She is almost 5 weeks old and super soft and cute!   She belongs to my twins and is supposed to be their responsibility.  We will see how that goes.  Our dog Charley is doing great with her but needs close supervision ;)  We've also had a summer filled with doctor appointments.  Allergy doctor, Pediatric Gastroenterologist and ENT doctor.  One of my daughters struggles with terrible acid reflux and we are spending a lot of time & effort trying to get that issue cured.  Both of my girls had their tonsils and adenoids out on August 23rd so they are currently recovering.   They are eating lots of frozen treats and watching more movies than I would typically allow.   They are also keeping me really busy waiting on them.  I gave them bells to ring and they have done a good job milking it.  So that is a quick recap of our summer.   I would love to hear about some of your summer adventures too. 

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