Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Fun

I want to make sure that find this St. Patrick's Day post of mine about Magic Leprechaun Powder. It's fun, yummy and of course "magical" for the kids.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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Irish Soda Bread

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day and I found a quick and easy recipe for Irish Soda Bread to share with you. Check out this Irish Soda Bread from Family Fun. This would be a good recipe for the kids to help make. You can find more great St. Patrick's Day recipes by visiting this link to Family Fun.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fun and Educational Fieldtrips

The snow is still on the ground here in my neck of the woods but spring is on the way. Field trips and outings are wonderful year round but with the arrival of spring, many parents and teachers start getting the itch to take their children on more fun and educational field trips. Lots of people are looking for some inspiration and ideas. I have an entire page of fun field trip ideas for you to check out on the field trips page of my Lesson Plans Plus website. The field trips listed would work well for preschool and elementary aged children alike. Truth be told, field trips are fun for adults too. I'm not sure who enjoys fun field trips more, me or my kids! Check it out: Fun and Educational Field trip Ideas.

If you know of a good field trip that I haven't listed, please share it with us by leaving a comment here on the blog or emailing me at trips@lessonplansplus.com. I'm always looking to add more great ideas to my website.

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